The smell of blood and gunpowder penetrates the investigator’s nose as she finishes her day, every tiny detail scribbled, every splatter of blood photographed. It’s time to load the victim into the van.
The body is delivered to my office. It’s my turn to investigate, to solve the final mystery of this person’s life, to tell his story. I look over the body for signs of trauma or anything unusual. After examining every nook and cranny and documenting my findings, I slice that beautiful human open.
This is how I dreamed my days would go, once upon a time.

I’ve wanted to be a doctor since I was about 14. To tell the truth, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to be a doctor or an actor. They both sounded like fun. The only thing about being a doctor, though, was that I don’t like to see people in pain.
That’s kind of a problem if you want to help sick people.
Dead people have no pain
Dead bodies = no pain. It’s all the fun of biology, but no psychology. Only a story to be told.
When I finished my Theater degree, I already knew I wanted to go to medical school. I went back to school to finish my Biology, Pre-Med degree. Now that, was fun. I loved every minute I studied, especially Anatomy. Because, hello, dead people!
Life had different plans for me, however. While getting my Biology degree, I met a gorgeous and talented musician who is now my husband and the father of our two magnificent children.
Long story short (because I could literally talk about my family for days), I became a stay-at-home mom with a passion for the human body that my friends and family love hearing about. They ask me questions about foods and what we should eat or not eat, and why. They ask about why things happen in their bodies, and they love my answers.
Who needs Google? They have me!
The thing is, I love talking about the body more than my family and friends love hearing about it. I could wax poetic about why we get bloated, whether carbs are bad for us or not, why we have to eat our vegetables, or the current obesity crisis and how we are going to fix it.
Enter Eat My Science. I love running this site.
But here’s the burning question: Would I still rather be working on dead bodies?
I am writing a new book about the body, the second in my High Energy Life series (If you haven’t read my first book, pick up your copy at Amazon today!)
This morning I was diving into the “Why” of the book, what I want to accomplish with my writing. The question was “What type of job would you like to do each day?” **
I started to write my standard answer:
I would love to investigate dead bodies.
But something stopped me.
By writing my book and this website, I am helping real people. Real live people. And a lot of you.
I can help thousands if not millions of people understand their bodies better so they can not die from things like heart disease, cancer, and other diet related diseases.
No longer do I just want to tell one dead person’s story at a time
I want to help millions of you create a better story for your life.
My new answer to the question, “What type of job would you like to do each day?”:
I would love to spend my days researching, writing, and connecting with humans across the globe, to establish a new standard of health and wellness that will increase the quality of life, community, and the planet.
It’s official. I transformed from wanting to investigate dead bodies to helping you with your live one.
Now I dream of days where I sit down with my cup of coffee and devour the latest research published. I connect that body of knowledge with the body we live in and write these ideas down in a way that we all can understand and take action on.
So we can live better, healthier, longer lives with our loved ones.
The best part about this dream for my days, my career, my legacy?
I’m living it.
**I use Chandler Bolt’s program, Self-Publishing School, to develop and write my books. His amazing program helped me with the ins and outs of preparing, writing, polishing, publishing, and marketing my first book! If you’ve ever thought about writing a book but don’t know where to start, I highly recommend Chandler’s program.
And great news! Self-Publishing School will be open for enrollment in August! Enter your email below for a special invitation next week!
Your intro got me. I too binge watch Forensic Files and love solving murder crime scenes. You could be the next Patricia Cornwell and write great forensic crime books. Glad you found your calling.
That sounds like so much fun… I could totally do that!